Entrepreneurial Child Project 2018
Similar to previous years, the UniPiaget Center for Business Development held another edition of the "Entrepreneurial Child" project on May 25th at the Praia Campus, with the participation of 5th-grade students from the "A turminha" school.
This edition partnered with the company Tecnicil and provided students with a set of entrepreneurial activities, including a fair and an exhibition/sale of products made by the students themselves, such as food, sweets, embroidery, jewelry, flowers, and kitchen accessories.
"Being an entrepreneur means having the desire to create, the knack for easily selling our products, and above all, loving what we do," testified student Adriana.
The event also included a guided tour of the UniPiaget facilities, giving students the opportunity to witness laboratory experiments, presentations of the media library, etc.
The goal of the "Entrepreneurial Child" project is to develop the entrepreneurial spirit in children early on and motivate them to become entrepreneurial adults, thus contributing to the development of the private sector and the growth of the Cape Verdean economy.
The Â鶹ÊÓƵ, through the Innovation and Sustainability Center, aims to contribute to the promotion of entrepreneurship, thus fostering the creation of micro and small enterprises and, consequently, job creation. The University also intends to equip small and medium-sized enterprises already established with management knowledge and support in all areas of management, as well as guide them in obtaining available financing for their activities.
The CIS, in conjunction with UCEJP, promotes and disseminates scientific research in the field of management and entrepreneurship.
UniPiaget of Cape Verde - Praia
Telephone: 260 9000
GIDTPIaget entomology laboratory equipped with:
Monocular stereoscopes, 4-magnification resolution
Stereoscope with integrated high-resolution camera, MOTIC
Conditioned area for carrying out bioassays with larvae
Precision scale 0.001g
bench computer
Basic entomological material for laboratory work: (cages, containers, tweezers, scissors, material for mounting slides and preparing genitalia, manual aspirators, hatchers, others)
Material for performing and reading agarose electrophoresis
Entomological material for field work in vector control: traps, BG, CDC traps, mechanical vacuum cleaner, material for larval research, ovitraps
HUMAN RESOURCES (3 researchers and 10 student researchers)
Name |
Function |
Academic Studies |
Contact |
Lara Ferrero Gomez |
GIDTPiaget Coordinator |
PhD Biology |
lara.ferrero.gomez@gmail.com |
Hélio Daniel Ribeiro Rocha |
Investigator |
MS Public Health |
heliorocha4@gmail.com |
Keily Lucienne Fonseca Silva |
Investigator |
MS Biology Clinical Laboratory |
keilylucienne18@ gmail.com |
UCSA students (Unit of Natural Sciences, Health and Environment) |
Students |
Undergraduate courses: Biology, Clinical Analysis and Public Health, Nursing. Postgraduate courses: public and community health |
studentsgidtpiaget@ gmail.com |
Research group, part of the Health and Environmental Sciences Unit, whose purpose is to develop solid lines of research in the field of tropical diseases and introduce students to applied research on public health problems in Cape Verde.
Prof. Doctor Hélio Rocha
Master Hélio Daniel Ribeiro Rocha, Master Keily Luciene and students from the Biology, Nursing, Clinical Analysis and Public Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences courses at Â鶹ÊÓƵ University.
Zika awareness campaign 2018-open. GIDTPiaget Tropical Disease Research Group
Simulated field trial to study the susceptibility and persistence of the larvicides Temephos and Bti in the control of culicids in the city of Praia, 2021. GIDTPiaget Tropical Diseases Research Group
Evaluation of the effectiveness of insecticidal paints in Cape Verde. GIDTPiaget project to be developed with SITA (Cape Verde) / INESFLY (Spain), 2021.
Molecular diagnosis of resistance to chemical insecticides in the malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis, in Cape Verde. Completion of the doctorate of GIDTPiaget student researcher, Derciliano Da Cruz, Convocatória Postgraduate student-agreement program_PEC-PG, Fiocruz_PE (2018-2020).
Study of the susceptibility of culicidae (Díptera: Culicidae) from the city of Praia to chemical (Temefós) and biological (Bti) larvicides in 2017. Monograph work by GIDTPiaget student-researcher, Sílvia Pires;
Entomological surveillance of Porto and Praia International Airport, Cape Verde (2017). GIDTPiget, Jena Piaget University of Cape Verde;
Population monitoring and dengue vector control (2013-2016). Call for “CAPES/AULP International Pro-Mobility Program, 2012”, financed by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and AULP (Association of Portuguese Language Universities). Unipiaget and CPqAM/Fiocruz-PE, Brazil;
Bioecology and monitoring of Anófeles arabiensis in the city of Praia, in 2015 (2015). Monograph work by student researcher Jacky Rocha. GIDTPiget, Â鶹ÊÓƵ;
Knowledge of primary school children in Praia about dengue, its control and prevention; and monitoring of Aedes aegypti in these schools, 2014-2015 (2015). Monograph work by student researcher Davison Monteiro. GIDTPiget, Â鶹ÊÓƵ;
Use of substances with attractive power, in ovitraps, as a method of monitoring Aedes aegypti in Cape Verde, 2014-2015 (2015);
Monograph work by student researcher Derciliano da Cruz. GIDTPiget, Jena Piaget University of Cape Verde;
Design of an integrated control system against mosquitoes (Diptera:culicidae) in Praia (Cape Verde) 2013-2014;
Call for “University Cooperation Project for the Development of the University of the Balearic Islands 2012”, financed by the University of the Balearic Islands;
Creation of the National Strategic Malaria Pre-Eradication Plan 2012-16 (2013.). Permanent collaboration between the Vector-Borne Diseases Program of the Cape Verde Ministry of Health and the Tropical Diseases Research Group at Â鶹ÊÓƵ University;
Assessment of the National Malaria Strategic Plan 2009-12 (2013). Permanent collaboration between the Vector-Borne Diseases Program of the Cape Verde Ministry of Health and the Tropical Diseases Research Group at Â鶹ÊÓƵ University;
Monitoring Program for Aedes aegypti, a dengue vector on the island of Santiago (2012-16). Permanent collaboration between the Vector-Borne Diseases Program of the Cape Verde Ministry of Health and the Tropical Diseases Research Group at Â鶹ÊÓƵ University;
Specialized training in bioecology and control of mosquito species (diptera: culicidae) that transmit dengue fever in Cape Verde. (2012). Call for “PCI_AP Project (Inter-university Cooperation Project_Preparatory Aid 2011)”, financed by AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation);
Cooperation project Â鶹ÊÓƵ University – Aggeu Magalhães/Fiocruz research center for training in the postgraduate area (Three Academic Masters in Public Health, area of ??interest “Eco-epidemiology and Control of Endemic Diseases”) (2012-2017). Call “PEC-PG (Student Program – Postgraduate Agreement, 2001), financed by CAPES/CNPq.
LIMA A, GÓMEZ LF. Zika virus, its relationship with microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a literature review. Magazine of the Cape Verdean Medical Association, 2021 in press;
CAMPOS M, WARD D, MORALES RF, GOMES AR, SILVA K, SEPULVEDA N; GOMEZ LF, CLARK TG, CAMPINO S. Surveillance of Aedes aegypti populations in the city of Praia, Cape Verde: Zika virus infection, insecticide resistance and genetic diversity. Parasit Vectors. 2020 Sep 21;13(1):481. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-04356-z. PMID: 32958043; PMCID: PMC7507728.
PIRES S, ALVES J, DIA I, GOMEZ LF. Profile of susceptibility of mosquito vectors of City of Praia, Cabo Verde, to the chemical and biological larvicides, Temephos and Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis. PLos One, 2020;15(6):e0234242.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234242
VAN DEN HOOGEN, L.L., BARENG, P., ALVES, J., REYES R, MACALINAO, M., RODRIGUES, J.M., FERNANDES, J.M., GÓMEZ, L.F. et al. Evaluation of commercial antibody detection kits to confirm the absence of transmission in malaria elimination settings. Frontiers in Public Health, 2020, 8:480. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00480
- LIMA, AN. Zika virus, its relationship with microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a literature review. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2019.
- RODRIGUES, OJ., LIMA, AN., DIAS, AL, SILVA, KL, GOMEZ, LF. I Knowledge of primary school children in the city of Praia, Cape Verde about Zika, its control and prevention. National Health Research Congress, National Institute of Public Health, Â鶹ÊÓƵ University, Praia, Cape Verde, 2019
- RODRIGUES, OJ. Knowledge of primary school children in the city of Praia, Cape Verde about Zika, its control and prevention. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2019.
- ALVES, L. Detection of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected by the dengue virus in the city of Praia, Cape Verde, in 2016. Monograph thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2019.
- DA CRUZ D, PAIVA, MH., GUEDES D., ALVES J., GOMEZ LF, AYRES, C.F. Detection of alleles associated with resistance to chemical insecticide in the malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis in Santiago, Cabo Verde. Malaria Journal, 2019, 18:120 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-019-2757-3
- GOMEZ, L.F and SILVA K.L. (2017) Knowledge about Zika in the university community of Cape Verde; analysis for action. Science and Technology Magazine-UniCV. 2018, 2(2):69-80.
- PIRES, SG. Susceptibility of culicidae (Diptera: Culicidae) from the city of Praia to the larvicides Temephos (chemical) and Bti (biological), in 2017. Monograph thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2018.
- PIRES, S.G. & GOMEZ, L.F. Poster “Susceptibility of culicids in the city of Praia to chemical (Temephos) and biological (Bti) larvicides”, First Scientific Conferences in Health at UniCV, Public University of Cape Verde, Praia, Cape Verde, 2018
- GUEDES, D., GOMES, E., PAIVA, M., de MELO_SANTOS, M.A., ALVES, J., GOMEZ, L.F., AYRES, C.F, Circulation of DENV2 and DENV4 in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from Praia, Santiago Island – Cabo Verde. Journal of Insect Science, 2017, 17 (4).86; 1-6. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iex057
- GOMEZ; L.F. “Aedes aegypti monitoring program in the city of Praia” IV Atelier GIDTPiaget, Praia, Cape Verde, 2016. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2016.
- CAMACHO, D. GIDTPiaget Tropical Diseases Research Group; who we are and what we do. Campus Africa, 2nd edition, La Laguna, Spain, 2016.
- ROCHA, J. Bioecology and Monitoring of Anopheles arabiensis in the city of Praia, in 2015. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2016.
- MONTEIRO, D. Knowledge of primary school children in Praia about dengue, its control and prevention; and monitoring of Aedes aegypti in these schools. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2015.
- DA CRUZ, D. Assessment of the attractiveness of substances tested in ovitraps used to monitor Aedes (Stegomya) aegypti Linnaeus (Díptera: Culicidade) in the city of Praia, Cape Verde. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2015.
- CAMACHO, D. Characterization of Resistance to Temephos in Aedes aegypti populations on the island of Santiago, Cape Verde and its implications for the effectiveness of larval control. Monograph thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2015.
- DE BRITO, M.L. Transovarian Detection of Dengue Virus in Aedes aegypti Populations on Santiago Island. Monograph thesis in Clinical Analysis and Public Health. Praia, Â鶹ÊÓƵ, 2015.
- ROCHA, H.D., PAIVA, M.H., SILVA, N., ARAUJO, A.P., CAMACHO, D., DA MORA, A., GÓMEZ, L.F., AYRES, C.F., De MELO-SANTOS, M.A. Susceptibility profile of Aedes aegypti from Santiago Island, Cape Verde, to insecticides. ACTROP, 2015, 152: 66-73. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.08.013.
GOMEZ, L.F., DE OLIVEIRA, A.L., DA MORA, A., ROCHA, H.D., MIQUEL, M., AYRES, C.F. “Monitoring of Aedes aegypti in Cape Verde, based on the spatio-temporal control of eggs and geographic information systems” XIV International Dengue Course, Havana, Cuba, 2015.
DE SOUSA, C:M:, PAIVA, M.H., GUEDES, D., MELO-SANTOS, GOMEZ, L.F. and MELO-SANTOS and AYRES, C:F: “Genetic Structure of Aedes aegypti Populations from Cape Verde: implications for Vector Control ”, LI Brazilian Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2015.
- XAVIER, M., PRAXEDES, M., AYRES, C.F., MELO-SANTOS, M.A., GOMEZ, L., BARBOSA R.M., DE OLIVEIRA, C.M. “Evaluation of the adhesive BR-ovt trap as a tool for monitoring Aedes aegypti in Cape Verde, Africa” LI Brazilian Congress of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2015.
- DA MOURA, A., DE MELO-SANTOS, M.A., OLIVEIRA, C., RIBEIRO, D., CARVALHO, D., DA CRUZ, M.L., ROCHA, H.D., GOMEZ, L-F., AYRES, C. Vector competence of the Aedes aegypti population from Santiago Island, Cape Verde, to different serotypes of dengue virus Parasite Vectors, Parasite Vectors, 2015.
- ROCHA, H.D. Susceptibility profile of the Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) population on the island of Santiago, Cape Verde, to insecticides. Master's Thesis in Public Health. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation / Aggeu Magalhaes Research Center, Recife, Brazil, 2014.
- DA MOURA, A. Assessment of the vector competence of the Aedes aegypti population on the island of Santiago, Cape Verde, to different serotypes of the Dengue virus. Master's Thesis in Public Health. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation / Aggeu Magalhaes Research Center, Recife, Brazil, 2014. 8: 114. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-015-0706-8
- MINISTRY OF HEALTH (GOMEZ, L.F.) - participation in the work team and preparation of the “National Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Program for the Fight against Malaria 2014-2017”, National Directorate of Health, Praia, Cape Verde, May , 2014
- GOMEZ, L.F, MIRANDA, M.A., MIQUEL, M., ALVES, J., DE PINA, A., MONIZ, F., AYRES, C. and POU, C, “Bioecology and vector control of culticity in Cape Verde” , edited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Cape Verde, 2013
- ROCHA, H.D., PAIVA, M.H., DE ARAUJO, A.P., CABRAL, A.M., LUCENA-SILVA, M., AYRES, C.F., GOMEZ, L.F. and MELO-SANTOS, M.A. “Resistance mechanisms to chemical insecticides in the Aedesaegypti population of Cape Verde”, XXIII Brazilian Congress of Parasitology, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2013.
- MINISTRY OF HEALTH (GOMEZ, L.F.) - participation in the work team and preparation of the report “Memorandum of review of the Malaria Control Program in Cape Verde” Ministry of Health & WHO, Praia, Cape Verde, August, 2013.
UniPiaget of Cape Verde – Praia Campus Residential Zone of the University of Casa D
Telephone: 260 9000
Approved by the University's Scientific Council, on April 11, 2017, and its mission is to coordinate and develop research and extension in the Human, Social and Arts Sciences Unit, from a perspective of mutual feedback between the production of academic knowledge, its dissemination and implementation in social practices.
Coordination: Prof. Doctor Carla Indira Semedo
Mission and Objective
The mission of the Research Center for Institutional Relations and Advanced Training (CIRIFA) is to promote institutional cooperation and the internationalization of academia; research and scientific dissemination; advanced training and scientific, academic, and cultural exchange..
The activities of the Research, Institutional Relations and Advanced Training Center are inherent to:
Projects in Progress
Project Valorisation of French Cultural Presence Sites in Cape Verde. Santiago Island, the Forgotten Heritage. This project, in partnership with the French Embassy and the non-governmental organization Cabo Verde Ecotourism Association ECOCV, aims to enhance three sites of historical and cultural interest to Cape Verde and France through the installation of signage and informational panels. These sites are located in three municipalities on Santiago Island: Hell or Santa Clara Bay in Santa Catarina municipality, the East Point Lighthouse in São Domingos municipality, and the Aéropostale Hydrobase Bay in Calheta de São Martinho municipality of Ribeira Grande.
International Comparative Study on the Direct and Indirect Mortality Burden of COVID-19 This project, part of the international consortium C-MOR, is coordinated nationally by UniPiaget and aims to analyze the direct and indirect mortality burden of COVID-19 since the beginning of the epidemic. The hosting institution for the consortium is the School of Medicine at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Â鶹ÊÓƵ collaborates with the National Institute of Public Health and the Ministry of Health of Cape Verde.
Link to project:
ERASMUS+ Mobility
The KA1 action projects are mobility projects for learning purposes involving students, teaching staff, and staff from higher education institutions.
UniPiaget is currently engaged in several mobility projects with partner universities:
a - Jean Monnet Network PROJECT, AMENET Program Grant Agreement Nr-2018-2030/001-001, "The European Union, Mediterranean and Africa Integration in the Global Age". AMENET website: English: ; French:
b - Mobility for students, professors, and staff
Completed Projects
Atlantic Pearl Project of Cape Verde: Baía do Inferno, funded through the 1st Call of the Science and Technology Service of the Higher Education, Science, and Technology Office, promoted by the Ministry of Education of Cape Verde. The project was led by UniPiaget and had the partnership of the Cape Verdean NGO Lantuna, the University of Algarve, and the University of Cape Verde. The main results of this project were:
Important Links:
Documentary on TV Record Cape Verde in October 2019. Journalist Edneia Barros won the first edition of the National Environmental Journalism Award with this report.
Report on TV5Monde
Hell Bay and Monte Angra Page:
The Scientific Committee evaluated the abstracts and informed the main authors of the accepted scientific communications by email and phone by May 16, 2022.
The communications were submitted by filling out the registration form available on the UniPiaget website.
The abstracts submitted to the 1st Scientific Research Symposium must result from original scientific work and will only be accepted for review if they meet the presentation criteria. The theme is diverse and comprehensive, allowing for any scientific work by students, teachers, researchers from various courses, and university research groups.
The abstracts were sent to the Symposium's Scientific Committee without any reference to their authors.
The abstracts of the communications were evaluated based on four criteria:
Novelty and originality: The work makes an intellectual advancement contributing innovatively to knowledge, whether through new methods, new empirical results, or new theoretical interpretations.
Significance and importance: The work adds something to the corpus of knowledge, producing an impact that enhances understanding or practice.
Relevance: The topic is within the interest of the scientific community and/or the challenges of the country.
Soundness and rigor (technical or scientific rigor) related to methodological accuracy, coherence and integrity, quality of argumentation, and logic in data interpretation.
Each of these items was rated from 0 to 5 points, with the final rating expressed by their sum (corresponding to a scale of 0 to 20).
The proposal from the Scientific Committee will award the Best Scientific Communication Prize. The prize has no financial endowment, only scientific recognition.
The Oral Communications Exhibition will be held in a hybrid format, both in person and online. Presentations can be made in Portuguese or English, with a maximum presentation time of 10 minutes and 5 minutes for questions and discussion with the audience.
All authors of the presented scientific communications will receive a participation certificate.
Organizing and Scientific Committee of the Symposium
Program - 1st Scientific Research Symposium
Cape Verde has made undeniable progress in the field of health and scientific training and reflection have accompanied and supported this evolution to a large extent. However, despite the progress made, challenges remain which, according to the strategic document that enshrines the National Health Policy (2007 – 2020), relate to the changes observed in the country's epidemiological profile, the growing expectations of Cape Verdeans in terms of health, as well as insufficient resources to meet the demands of the sector.
The challenges of public health in Cape Verde include the elimination of inequalities in access to health and the urgency in adopting a preventive and multisectoral perspective that expands the field of study, training and intervention in health, considering not only formal and hospital services but also , fundamentally, community contexts and the social determinants of health, with an emphasis on education, quality of life and the environment and promoting people's participation, with a view to improving the population's level of health.
Since its creation in 2001, the Â鶹ÊÓƵ has been promoting academic training and scientific reflection in the field of Health, developing a varied range of undergraduate courses (Nursing, Clinical Analysis, Physiotherapy, Pharmaceutical Sciences), postgraduate studies (Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Public and Community Health) and CESPS (Community Health and Endemic Disease Control) and research (Tropical Diseases Research Group) in this field.
With this special issue of its scientific journal Contacto, UniPiaget intends to promote and disseminate original contributions in the field of Public and Community Health, reviewed by national and international experts, approached and presented from a theoretical, historical and empirical perspective, emphasizing the interdisciplinarity intrinsic to this sector of analysis.
To access the articles from Revista Contacto, follow the link: /file/evento152251402.pdf
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